Tropic Skincare

Give the audience an experience of lush textures, vibrant colours, and refreshing scents of Tropic's products through the screen, on a small budget without compromising on professional quality.
Tropic wanted us to showcase their product textures in different settings and creative ways, whilst remaining authentic without compromising on professional lighting, clear visuals and high-quality sensory audio.

On set, our techniques were tailored to enhance both the visual and auditory appeal of Tropic’s products, utilising simple cost efficient techniques such as macro and probe lenses, dynamic lighting accentuating the products colours and textures and custom sound design to bring trending ASMR styles to life.

By tapping into sensory trends and maintaining a high visual standard, we created content that not only highlighted Tropic’s values and products but also made their audience stop, watch, and listen. Love it or hate it, it made our audience watch!

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